About us
Getting inspired
We used to eat just about anything, and lots of it too. We feel lucky to have been confronted with the health consequences fairly early on. In addition, our travels abroad opened our eyes to alternatives. We realized we had a choice and that choosing to eat better didn’t have to be all that difficult. That recognition changed not only our diets, but our lives too.
We made it our mission to remind people that they, too, have choices, every day, with each meal, to eat better and feel better. We completed the first milestone of this mission by hand-baking our very first batch of granola in 2016 in a garage.

Let's change the world!
Two best friends baking away in the garage aspiring to revolutionize the food industry and transform people’s eating habits. That might sound like the first line of a joke, but it was our reality. If we’d fully realized the scale of what we were taking on—and how limited our resources were—we might never have started…
And yet, we managed to make up for limited resources with enthusiasm and hard work. Though our passion occasionally takes hits from economic crises or the grind of everyday Sisyphean tasks, our stubbornness keeps us going, helping us push forward and see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Many years later, we’ve long since outgrown the garage, yet we continue hacking the food industry and reforming eating habits. Perhaps not on the scale we’d envision, but certainly for the tens of thousands who choose us every day.
Healthy meets Tasty
In the world of breakfast products, healthy ingredients and taste experience have become mutually exclusive, or at least inversely proportional. You must choose: healthy or delicious?
While we understand how this approach benefits the manufacturer’s bottom line, as it’s widely known that if something tastes great, we tend not to believe it can be healthy, and vice versa. Still, as consumers, this is not a choice we want to be making. And as manufacturers, it isn’t either.
So we did the only thing we know how to: combined the best of two worlds. This is how free-from meets gourmet, hand-made meets retail and healthy meets delicious.
Our mission is simple: to make good-for-you food that’s actually worth craving and make the choice to eat better a no brainer.

We make it for you
We know what good granola is like, and you know how you like it.
We learnt early on that there is nothing like direct feedback from the people you serve. Standing at the farmer’s market in the middle of winter, we listened to your feedback and perfected our recipes exactly how you like it. We continue to appreciate your feedback and do our best to keep our products tasting as good as possible, just the way you like them.
Although we no longer make it to the markets, we are still happy to receive any feedback, requests, kind messages, or constructive criticism through our social media or email. Keep it coming, keep us sharp!
Join us on the journey toward a more wholesome life!
Our understanding of what a wholesome, happy life means keeps expanding. While food remains central to our mission, we dream of going beyond it—and if we’re dreaming about it, it’s only a matter of time that we make it happen.
In the meantime, we invite you to join our community: sign up for our newsletter, follow us on social channels, and keep making the point to everyone who cares to see: you have the choice to eat better.
Let's eat better.